Thursday, January 29, 2009

I have a question for the writers of LOST.



  1. Um, yeah. I'm starting to feel stupid because I can't keep up anymore.

  2. I agree. I'm cynical about Lost because I'm veteran of the X-Files. I was committed to that show for years, thinking that they'd eventually unveil their master conspiracy. Like a battered wife, I came back every week thinking "THIS week, he'll be different! It was so good back in the day!" And every work, the show would club me over the head with some weak plotline that hinted at a greater story that was never developed.

    Sadly, I haven't learned my lesson and I keep coming back to Lost for more. I mainly feel like I've sunk so many hours into the show that I'm committed.

  3. marty... do you read the theories on the LOST website? it is unbelievable how involved this thing is. i was even more confused when i read what people are saying about it. if there are aliens at the end of this, i'm going to protest.

  4. i would love to do a header for you! something specific in mind? colors? pictures? i don't have to put a pic at all--totally up to you!
    just email me what you want...
