Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ma, Meatloaf!

Can you name the movie whose quote I referenced to name this post?

While I was volunteering at a banquet tonight, Kurt's mom graciously had Kurt over for dinner. She is the sweetest mother-in-law in existence, and the following post is in no way an insult to her or her always stellar cooking. I simply dislike one of the menu items.

On the menu at Barb's house this evening was meatloaf, a dish I have never liked. Allow me to define meatloaf for you: a filthy meat bath. You know how Jerry Seinfeld tells Kramer that taking a bath is "sitting there in a tepid pool of [your] own filth"? Well, that's what meatloaf is. Instead of Kramer in a tub, it's meatloaf in a pan.

I mean, first off, it's a loaf of meat. The only thing that should come in "loaf" form is bread.

Secondly, it's a mixture of beef, eggs, and ketchup, mushed into a bread pan, soaking in its own juices. Grotesque.

It doesn't drain. It just sweats on itself and then gets all crusty on top. No thank you.

My friend Emily has a fancy recipe for meatloaf. However, I believe it is a non-redeemable dish. Like I said: filthy meat bath.


  1. I emphatically and unequivocally agree with you. My husband loves meatloaf, even to the point of ordering it in public at a restaurant, but I do not see the point in a wad of meat when I am sketchy on the idea of meat already. ugh.

  2. Is the quote from "Wedding Crashers"?

  3. Sick-o-rama! That's all I can say...

  4. I like meatloaf, but only if it is moist. I do agree with you on the fat though. I take my meatloaf out of the oven a drain off the fat about 10 or 15 minutes before it is done.

  5. Yay! I got a mention!!!! Well, deary, yes it is redeemable! Mine receipe is fabulous! I am sorry you miss out on this wonderful American dish. :)
