Monday, January 31, 2011

Blog updates

Ok, check out my blog now. Thanks to my friend Laura, I made some adjustments to the width. But my blogging area is now wider than the background. Is there any way I can make the background margins smaller to accommodate a larger writing space? I'd appreciate any advice.


  1. I read all posts in my awesome Microsoft Outlook (take that Google Reader!).

    As long as you don't go all security/password required to read a blog, I've got no complaints.

    Glad I could directly answer your request for assistance.

    On a different note, Katherine and I were talking about how we can't wait to find out if Baby Cooper is going to be a Mr. or Ms. When do we get to find out?

  2. you can't use "3 column" backgrounds when you have the new editor (the thing that lets you use big pictures). find a new background, and it will work beautifully!!
