Friday, June 24, 2011

Snuggly punkin

Kurt snapped this shot this morning. (Excuse my hair...) My sweet girl wanted to snuggle. Pretty soon our mornings will consist of snuggling little Campbell in the bed, too! That is, if Winnie makes room for him.

I love my little family and feel very blessed and thankful to God for his many blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Our dog used to sleep in the bed with us and then when Lucy was born she still slept with us even though Lucy was in the bed, too. Then one night she just got really antsy and didn't want to sleep in the bed anymore! So now she sleeps in her crate at night except for special occasions when we let her get back in the bed with us (Lucy's been in her bed for a looooong time now ... haha)
