Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Another blog question

A while ago I asked how to outline my photos in black so they show up better, and sweet Sarah Caroline Ueltschey told me (all the way from Peru) that she'd help me, and I never followed up on it. Sorry SC. I'd still love the help. Send me an email (I think your mom has it).

Also, when I upload pics from my phone to my blog (using an app called BlogWriter), the pictures are HUGE when I get on my computer and look on my blog. How do I get them to be normal sized? I don't want to upload from my phone and then have to get on my computer and re-size the photos. Defeats the whole purpose.

For some reason I feel like Laura Henson will know the answer to this question. But, I would love help from anyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey. I don't know if I can help you because I just realized you have a different kind of template thing, so I think you might have to change templates if you want the border for the pics but I might be wrong. if you changed templates your blog would look different. So I am not sure. I will check again but I need to know what kind of template you use. If this is confusing sorry. :( You might want to ask someone else. I will try though. Just let me know what template you have and I will look. Thanks and sorry if it doesn't work.

    On mine I just go to design and kind of near the top i see this:
    Page Elements Edit HTML Template Designer
    And I go to template designer and then i see this on the left side:
    Adjust widths
    And I got to advanced and see some choices and I choose Border color and so I pick the color and they like just appeared. But that might not work for you. I am not really sure. :(

  3. Actually, my blog doesn't have borders around the pics anymore. I think it really depends on your template.

  4. sorry, i'm slow. sick kid. anyway, as far as the border, go to advanced and click on images. you can then pick what you want.

    as for the size, do you have the new editor or old editor? i'm assuming you have the new editor since your pictures are big. now the downside, everybody hates blogwriter. doesn't seem to communicate well with blogger. but you should be able to choose photo size in app preferences. did you do that?

    try blogpress if you must publish from your phone. i've heard better things from it. and there is a "lite" version that i think works great. i say "think" because i don't publish from my phone. i hate working on something so small. but i'm slow...remember, i just started texting not too long ago!! :)
