Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Any suggestions?

I just finished reading the atrocious Twilight series. I do not recommend them. At the risk of offending my blog followers, I will explain my reason for not liking the books. The first one started out decently (but nowhere near the literary genius of a series in a similar genre: Harry Potter), then got progressively worse with each subsequent novel.

Sorry, Ginger.

Each time author Stephanie Meyer built up excitement toward a potentially important and/or dangerous event, she never came through with an equally-as-exciting conclusion. Quite a few times, the reader anticipated something major happening, and it didn't. It just didn't happen.

PLUS, some parts of the series got just plain creepy. You know what I'm talking about. Men falling in love with (excuse me, "imprinting upon") toddlers. ????? Can't handle it.

So, I am taking suggestions for what to read next. Please help me recover from Twilight's drain on my brain cells and free time. It's time for some quality literature!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A mile in her shoes...sort of

Have you ever heard anyone say that in order to better understand someone, try "walking a mile in her shoes"? Today I did just that...kind of.

I was cleaning Winnie's crate, and Kurt asked me if I thought I could fit inside it. It is a medium-sized crate because we hope she will only grow to be a medium-sized dog...

So, I took the challenge. I crawled in the little door and, after spending enough time for Kurt to take my photo, I managed to crawl out. I plan to acquire a side job as a contortionist after managing my way into that cage.

Sitting next to the cage is Winnie's lovey that she snuggles with every night. I bet it could've fit in there with me, too. Hmmm, let's see...